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X-ray  HD/AD

1. Order a reading in NKK.
Requisitions for HD and AD x-rays are ordered via a personal profile on "my page" no later than on the same day as the photography. You cannot request a form after the X-rays have been taken.
After you pay the fee to NKK for the reading, you will receive a case document. We need case numbers such as
stands there. You are welcome to print out the case document or send it to the clinic by e-mail read more about
deadlines for reading and possibilities for complaints on NKK's side.
2. Remember to bring your pedigree. We have to check whether the ID number printed there corresponds to the chip
number that we read from your dog.


3. We recommend that your dog does not get food for preferably 12 hours before the photo shoot. That's because it has to
anesthetized and laid on the back. Reflectors that keep food and drink in place do not work optimally when
the body is under anesthesia. We then risk the contents of the stomach coming up into the mouth and down into the stomach
the lungs. This can cause aspiration pneumonia, or pneumonia. Also, fasting works like
a preventive measure against stomach twisting. 

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4. After the pictures are taken, 
your four-legged friend is welcome to sleep off the anesthesia with us. The service is free. 

Be prepared for the dog to be tired for the rest of the day. Postpone training, long walks and too much
activities around you this day.

We recommend free access to water. You can offer the first meal when you see that  the dog is completely himself.

It can happen from a few hours after you get home until the next day. Please serve only ½ of the usual portion. It is to save the stomach/intestine from extra strain, nausea and diarrhoea

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