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Before you book an appointment with the vet

Here you will find information on how to prepare for the various visits to the vet, and what you should look for when you are home after various interventions

Vaksinasjon hund/katt

Timen inkluderer generell helsesjekk og eventuelt veiledning for videre nødvendige undersøkelser, så vel som selve vaksineringen. Husk å medbringe pass eller vaksinasjonskort, dersom du har dette.

Hvis du oppdager at hunden eller katten er løs i magen, hoster eller viser andre tegn på sykdom, så er det
frarådet å vaksinere den på samme dag. Du kan gjerne møte opp til timen, men den blir da en vanlig konsultasjon.

Ønsker du å stille flere spørsmål eller ser behov for utvidet helsesjekk (øre- eller øyeproblematikk,
sjekke kul/nydannelser osv) – må det beregnes ekstra tid til det. Bestiller du timen på nettsiden, bruk «Utvidet konsultasjon».

Ta gjerne kontakt med oss hvis du er usikker.


X-ray HD/AD

1. Order a reading in NKK.
Requisitions for HD and AD x-rays are ordered via a personal profile on "my page":here, at the latest on the same day as the photography. We cannot request a form after the X-rays have been taken.
After you pay the fee to NKK for the reading, you will receive a case document. We need the case number listed there. You are welcome to print out the case document or send it to the clinic by e-mail. Read more about deadlines for reading and possibilities for complaints on NKK's website:here.
2. Remember to bring your pedigree. We have to check whether the ID number printed there corresponds to the chip number that we read from your dog.
3. Fasting
We recommend that your dog does not get food for at least 12 hours before the photo shoot. That's because it has to be anesthetized and put on its back. Reflexes that keep food and drink in place do not work optimally when the body is under anesthesia. We then risk the contents of the stomach coming up into the mouth and down into the lungs. This can cause aspiration pneumonia, or pneumonia. Also, fasting works like
a preventive measure against stomach twisting. 
4. After the pictures are taken.
Your four-legged friend is welcome to sleep off the anesthesia with us. 
Be prepared for the dog to be tired for the rest of the day. Postpone training, long walks and too many activities around you for this day.
We recommend free access to water, but the first meal - when you see the dog is completely himself. It can happen from a few hours after you get home until the next day. Offer
preferably only ½ of a normal portion. With that, we try to save the stomach/intestine from extra strain that can cause diarrhoea

The Norwegian Kennel Club sets requirements for known HD/AD status in the following breeds: 

Castration male cat Sterilization female cat

1. We recommend that the cat fasts for at least 6 hours before surgery, water must be available. 2. If you want other treatment in addition, you can be informed about this here3. We do not recommend sterilization of female cats on Fridays. 4. We want the cat to wake up with us, so that we can check the general condition and surgical wound before it goes home. We therefore want the class to be no later than 3 hours (for female cats 4 hours) before closing

Couch Cat Under Blanket

Teething milk teeth

We recommend setting up a consultation with a veterinarian in advance. We guide you regarding the correct time when your puppy needs to extract milk teeth. We carry out health checks and inform about possible risks in connection with anaesthesia. We can also agree that surgery can be postponed, and plan further measures and follow-up.

Claw clip

Clipping a dog's claws can be a challenge. One of our assistants or veterinarians can help with that. If you have any questions for the vet, feel free to make an appointment for both claw clipping and consultation. Why do we have to be careful when clipping claws? It's because a claw is the same as the tip of our finger, only covered with a hard capsule that grows out. So there is no specific length for all dogs that we have to deal with. This is very individual and depends on the anatomy of your dog.

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Bath, care, clip 

1. Lion cut cat  Performed under anesthesia. 2. Cut individual tangles  Can be ordered with or without anesthesia. - Clipping without anesthesia is performed if the owner agrees and the cat is comfortable with it. Feel free to contact us in advance if you are unsure 3. Bathing and grooming hund  You can book an appointment for bathing and grooming your dog. This is carried out by one of our assistants, we have not trained dog groomers at the clinic. We use a series from PSH or treatment agents from Virbac. We dry the dog with a blower/hair dryer if the dog is comfortable with it, alternatively natural air drying. Restriction on weight and size.

Våre tilleggstjenester med redusert pris

Dette er tjenester som du kan bestille i tillegg til timen som du setter opp. Ta gjerne kontakt med oss hvis du er usikker: 

Kloklipp tillegg
Ørerens tillegg
ID chip tillegg
Pass tillegg

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